MBABANE: LaMgabhi Etiyeni Inner Council(Bandlancane) stand accused of colluding with a woman to illegally sell a home belonging to Henry Nkambule while he was away seeking employment in South Africa.
This comes in the midst of public outcry that some traditional leaders were abusing power against innocent citizens by grabbing their land and demanding huge amounts of money for Kukhonta(acquiring land) and Government services that require the approval of traditional leaders like certifying and signing of documents.
Speaking to this Swaziland News, Nkambule said he bought a homestead belonging to one Make Kunene in 2003 and also went all the processes involved in the Kukhonta Custom, however, around 2011 he went to seek for job opportunities in South Africa and upon his return in 2019 he found that his home had been handed over to another man. He said he was now living in a rented flat and seeking assistance to have this matter resolved so he can occupy his home.
“When I left for South Africa,I asked one of my neighbours to look after my home but he also left the area in search of job opportunities. The Inner Council later instructed a community member to occupy my home without my knowledge. Upon my return, he refused to vacate my home claiming he was waiting for the inner council’s order. I tried to engage the Inner Council but all of my efforts were in vain”, he said.
When reached for comments, Raggie Hlophe, the Secretary of the Mdzangwini Inner Council confirmed knowledge of the matter adding that they were working on it.
“We are aware of the matter, the problem here is that it later transpired that the land in question was in dispute since there was a young man from the Kunene family who was supposed to inherit the home.But we understand that Nkambule acquired the home through the right channels, the inner council should have solved this issue but I guess they are being delayed by the dispute. I believe that Nkambule should be first allowed to go back to his home then the issue of the dispute be solved at later date" said the Secretary of the Inner council.
When this publication reach Make Kunene, the woman alleged to have sold the land in dispute, she declined to comment saying she want to discuss the matter with Nkambule.
“Tell Nkambule to come here so we can discuss the matter at length, I don’t want to talk about this on the media”, she said.
Reached for comments, Lusendvo Fakudze, the Ludzidzini Governor advised the complainant to approach the Swazi National Courts (Ndabazabantu) adding that the matter could even be referred to the Ludzidzini Council.
“If the Inner Council is failing to deal with this issue, the complainant should approach ‘Ndabazabantu’ who will then issue a verdict,if one of the parties is not satisfied then the matter can proceed to the Ludzidzini Council which has a final say on such issues”, the Ludzidzini Governor said.

Henry Nkambule