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Cabinet plotting to ban gatherings, disperse Justice for Thabani mass protest on Friday.

Tuesday, 18th May, 2021

MBABANE: Cabinet is plotting to use  COVID-19 to ban gatherings ahead of a Friday mass protest action organized by the youth seeking justice for Thabani Nkomonye who was allegedly killed by the police.

This transpired during a Cabinet meeting today where the proposed protest and memorial service for Thabani Nkomonye was labelled as a major threat to the existence of the  King’s Government.

Insiders told this publication that Acting Prime Minister Senator Themba Masuku was expected to make an announcement that would  ban gatherings and the National Commissioner of Police William Dlamini would then come in to implement the Cabinet decision by deploying officers to stage road blocks around the country and limit the movement of people.

“The Monday protest and the large numbers by the youth was seen as a major threat for the government, they were not expecting this and strategies are being discussed to deal with the Friday protest”, said the insider.

At the time of compiling this report, Cabinet was still locked in the meeting discussing whether the announcement to ban gatherings should be made by the Acting Prime Minister or the National Commissioner.

Reached for comments, Colani Maseko, the President of the Swaziland National Union of Students(SNUS) said he was aware that Government was plotting to ban gatherings, however, he advised the youth not to listen to anything that would be announced by the Acting Prime Minister or anyone representing the King’s Government seeking to disturb the Friday protest.

“The youth must not listen to anything that will come from the Acting Prime Minister or anyone representing the King’s Government because they just want to disturb the protest and we can’t allow that. We will be in constant communication with the students and the youth of the country, the political ground is now fertile for us to take over the country. It should be noted that now we are not only seeking justice for Thabani but for  Phiwayinkosi Dlamini as well who was shot in the eye by the police. So the youth must be prepared, we will be giving updates on what needs to be done ahead of the mass protest”, said the Students' President.

A questionnaire was sent to Sabelo Dlamini, the Government Spokesperson, however, he had not responded at the time of compiling this report.

On Monday thousands of youth members including University students marched to Sigodvweni Police Station to demand justice for Thabani Nkomonye, a law student who was allegedly killed by the police, his body was subsequently dumped at Nhlambeni.

Eswatini, a tiny Kingdom situated in Southern Africa and ruled by King Mswati as an absolute Monarch has about 70% of the population living below the poverty line, the King normally unleashes armed police to brutally assault peaceful protesters who question and challenge his Government.

Cabinet plotting to ban gatherings, disperse Justice for Thabani mass protest on Friday.
Protesters seeking justice for Thabani Nkomonye