MATSAPHA: Mduduzi ‘Magawugawu’ Simelane, the Siphofaneni Member of Parliament(MP)has warned that eSwatini would soon record the world's biggest protest march if authorities continued to ignore the ongoing calls for democratic reforms.
Speaking during a press conference held at the S&B restaurant in Matsapha, the MP said he was aiming at between 60 000 and 70 000 citizens who would march to the Prime Minister’s office demanding democratic reforms.
“We are hoping for a dialogue but if that fails, the alternative route is to organise the protest march and this will be the biggest march in the world. The elderly, disabled, youth and everyone will participate carrying banners with the message, we are targeting between 60 000 and 70 000 protesters”,said the MP.
Quinton Dlamini, the President of the Trade Union Congress of Swaziland(TUCOSWA) who was speaking during the press conference said the participants in the protest march would be more than the 70 000 estimated by the MP as it would cover the four regions at the same time.
Colani Maseko, the President of the Swaziland National Union of Students(SNUS) said as students they demand multiparty democracy adding that they would continue fighting for freedom. Maseko also called for the investigation of Acting Prime Minister Senator Themba Masuku to ascertain the whereabouts of the E200million that was budgeted for COVID-19 vaccines.
“As the situation stands, the Nation is waiting hopelessly for COVID-19 vaccines. Maybe the PAC Chairman MP Buthelezi can help us investigate what happened to the E200million”,he said.

MP MAGAWUGAWU: Eswatini to record world's biggest protest march if authorities ignore calls for democratic reforms.