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Captured Judges like Mumcy Dlamini should not be addressed by Advocates.

Thursday, 16th September, 2021

Captured Judges should not be honored or enjoy the privilege of being addressed by Advocates because their judgements are pre-determined and not based on submissions and legal arguments.

Judges like Mumcy Dlamini who allegedly take orders from Mswati should be addressed by junior lawyers, hiring an advocate to address a captured Judge with a castrated legal mind remains the waste of resources including time spent on legal research because it’s like appearing before King Mswati disguised as Mumcy Dlamini.

The recent judgement delivered by Judge Dlamini where she dismissed the bail application by pro-democracy Members of Parliament in Bacede Mabuza and Mthandeni Dube suggests that the Judge long sold her integrity to the oppresser, she firstly postponed the case only to come back and tell the applicants that she can’t handle the case.

As mentioned in one of my previous articles, a bail application by its nature is urgent but we saw a Judge postponing a case just to think whether she can handle the matter or not.

It is clear that Judge Dlamini was mandated to manipulate the law just to make sure the MPs are kept behind bars because her legal mind was long castrated, she is not even aware that by the time this case is concluded, her integrity would be gone.

It is very unfortunate that in this country we have corrupt and captured Judges and we shouldn’t honour them by hiring Advocates to address judicial officers whose legal minds were long castrated.

I did the same to the then Principal Magistrate Fikile Nhlabatsi, I sent a junior lawyer to address her in a matter where the State was seeking a warrant of arrest against me because I knew she would rule in favour of the Government that feeds her.

But it should be clear that even junior lawyers who are energetic and eager to represent their clients fairly are demotivated by the conduct of these captured Judges.

Now, in the matter between me and King Mswati, we have engaged three(3) Advocates including a Senior Counsel because the matter is in South Africa where the judiciary is independent.

We respect the law not corrupt and captured Judges, these are judicial officers who should subject themselves to the principles of the rule of law not to be loyal to a dictator.

But if I could have a politically motivated case to be heard in a Swazi court, I could hire a junior lawyer who will accompany me when appearing before a captured Judge or a Magistrate because, those judicial officers are controlled by Mswati.

When appearing before Judge Mumcy Dlamini, it’s even better to represent yourself and allow her to deliver those ‘cooked’ judgements on behalf of Mswati.

The conduct of Judge Mumcy Dlamini suggests that hiring an Advocate to represent you in a case before her is like arguing a case before  a traditional court (eMphakatsini).

After all, our courts under Chief Justice, Indvuna yeMcuba Bheki Maphalala are slowly becoming kangaroo courts.

Captured Judges like Mumcy Dlamini should not be addressed by Advocates.
Judge Mumcy Dlamini