MLINDAZWE: Thandaza Silolo, the newly employed Swaziland News journalist has been kicked out of his parental home at Mlindazwe.
Speaking to this Swaziland News, Silolo said his father Bhekindlela Silolo, a King’s loyalist informed him on Sunday that he must vacate the home with immediate effect because of being critical against the King.
“My father told me to leave his home because I am criticizing the King”, said the journalist.
Bhekindlela Silolo, the father to the journalist did not respond when contacted on Sunday.
Reached for comments, Wandile Dludlu, the Secretary General of the People’s United Democratic Movement(PUDEMO) condemned the the decision by Thandaza Silolo’s father to disown his own son just to protect the King.
“We have been experiencing such from some of our family members as well and we want to state categorically that Silolo is fighting for the truth. These challenges will come to pass and one wonders what will the father do once we achieve democracy after disowning his own son”, said the PUDEMO Secretary General.
Journalists in eSwatini who are critical of King Mswati are arrested, tortured and harassed by the police, the regime also goes as far as influencing the families of those who are critical to discourage them against criticizing Mswati.
Journalist Thantaza Silolo