MBABANE: Senior Superintendent Clement Sihlongonyane says he has already suffered after his property was burnt.
The senior officer who allegedly killed dozens of civilians, persecuted incarcerated Members of Parliament(MP) Bacede Mabuza and Mduduzi Magawugawu Simelane and independent journalists merely for demanding democratic reforms had members of the public on social media calling for decisive action to be taken against him.
“I have already suffered, my property was burnt, what do you want from me now? Senifunani manje ngoba seningishisele?”said the senior cop when speaking to this journalist on Monday.
The senior cop declared during an interview with the State controlled Times that his mandate was to protect the King and the Queen Mother, in the process ,Sihlongonyane who resides around Big Bend allegedly killed dozens of civilians including pro-democracy activists.
Reached for comments, Lucky Lukhele, the Spokesperson of the Swaziland Solidarity Network(SSN) said Sihlongonyane must understand that he has caused so much pain to the people of Swaziland.
“It doesn’t matter that something has already happened to him, the people must follow him to his grave. He must remain a guest of the revolutionary forces”, said the SSN Spokesperson.

Senior Superintendent Clement Sihlongonyane.