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INTERNATIONAL WOMEN DAY:SWAGGA Director urges women to work hard.

Tuesday, 8th March, 2022

MBABANE: Nonhlanhla Dlamini, the Executive Director of the Swaziland Action Group Against Abuse(SWAGAA) has urged women to work hard.

Speaking during the International Women Day held the Mbabane Library and hosted by the American Embassy, the SWAGAA Director said she grew-up without a male figure and her mother was the only mentor.

She said she started demonstrating leadership skills at a tender age being in debate clubs, taking leadership decisions and dominating any group she found herself in.

“To all young women out there go and make a mark in everything that you are doing,if given a chance make sure you do best in everything. If you commit yourself towards doing something give it your best that\'s how you make your own brand”, she said.

INTERNATIONAL WOMEN DAY:SWAGGA Director urges women to work hard.
SWAGAA Director Nonhlanhla Dlamini