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Queen Mother says COVID-19 prevented more women who wanted to attend Buganu Ceremony, only seven people tested.

Monday, 21st March, 2022

BUHLENI: Her Majesty Queen Ntombi Tfwala said more women were willing to attend Buganu ceremony but were prevented by the COVID-19 screening.

Addressing the Lutsango regiment popularly known as “bobhejane”,the Queen Mother said “ngiyasola kutsi hhawu, bebaphelele lapha itolo babahlola lesifo. Incumbi yabonje ngulabajikile ngoba ngivile kutsi la bekumnyama kutse khwishi(meaning: I suspect the regiment came out in numbers yesterday, tested and a lot went back,” said the Queen Mother.

But a COVID-19 statistics report released by the Ministry of Health on Saturday revealed that only seven(7) people tested positive to COVID-19. Pictures of empty trucks returning from different constituencies were trending on social media as Emaswati continues to shun royal events.

Queen Mother says COVID-19 prevented more women who wanted to attend Buganu Ceremony, only seven people tested.
Lutsango during Buganu on Saturday.