SITEKI:Liphimbo LaboMake in collaboration with Women Unlimited Eswatini has reached out to more than 300 women in the four Regions of Swaziland for Rapid Response Window on women's participation in peace building processes.
Liphimbo LaboMake is a women movement that is amplifying women voices in eSwatini in all sectors of life.They have been conducting Peace Building Dialogues across the four regions of the country which were concluded on Monday at Siteki in the Lubombo region.
Speaking to this Swaziland News, Bongiwe Mango, the Liphimbo LaboMake Chairperson said women were left out in the issues happening in the country despite being a majority population.
“The inclusion of women in peace building processes is key because women have the numerical strength and the impact of women is multifaceted. We are also equipping them on conflict resolution skills, effective communication, tolerance and they have mastered concession rules,”she said.
Liphimbo LaboMake.