MBABANE: Schools across the country are expected to re-open on Wednesday for the continuation of exams.
Speaking to this Swaziland News, the Spokesperson of the Swaziland International Solidarity Forces(SISF) said they decided to announce the temporary closure of schools from Monday to Tuesday for an intelligence operation that forms part of their ongoing attacks on Mswati’s Government.
Tension is escalating in this tiny Kingdom after King Mswati refused to participate in a political dialogue and subsequently unleashed his police and soldiers to shoot and kill dozens of civilians merely for demanding reforms.
“We held a meeting today(Monday) and resolved that schools shall re-open on Wednesday for exams. Then tomorrow(Tuesday),we are calling nation-wide protests in support of the incarcerated pro-democracy Members of Parliament(MPs) Bacede Mabuza and Mthandeni Dube. People must protest within their communities and express their support for the incarcerated MPs. We want to see if the police will continue shooting unarmed protestors. The nation-wide protests will take place only on Tuesday. Then, on Wednesday, people are free to continue with their normal lives while we continue with our operations,” he said.
The Spokesperson said during the nationwide protests on Tuesday, they won't tolerate shooting of protestors.
“Asifuni kuva ngisho lihinyana nje kutsi kunemuntfu lodutjuliwe noma lotsintfwe ngemaphoyisa a-protestor. Uma kungenteka loko, sitawusukela liphoyisa emini libalele sililahle phansi(meaning: We don’t want to hear any report of civilians getting shot by the police, if that happens, on the same day, we will shoot any police officer in reitaliation,” said the Spokesperson.
On another note, Government Spokesperson Alpheous Nxumalo had released a statement telling the Nation that operations would be normal in the country, however, National Commissioner of Police William Dlamini later told Teachers Union President Mbongwa Dlamini that teachers did not report for duty on Monday.
“We were shocked as the security agency that you can issue an order to teachers not to report for duty because the Commander has spoken, who is the Commander? You can’t confuse the country in this way, baphi bothishela, ngoba abakayi etikolweni ngoba utse wena bangayi ngoba sekukhulume Commander, ngubani lo-Commander?(meaning: Teachers did not report for duty today because you told them not to, as the Commander has spoken, who is the Commander)? It’s serious, we need to talk about this, tsine siyacoshwa emsebentini kutsi live, bantfu bakhuluma kutsandza kwabo, singabakhulumisi,” said the National Commissioner in a recorded conversation with the SNAT President.
On another note, the Spokesperson of the Solidarity Forces urged public transport employees to honour the incarcerated pro-democracy MPs by halting all operations on Tuesday, adding that all workers in the country were expected back to work on Wednesday.

Solidarity Forces logo.