MBABANE: Minister of Labour and Social Security Makhosi Vilakati said his Ministry has processed payments for University students who did not receive their allowances this month.
The Minister made an announcement through the National Radio, the Eswatini Broadcasting and Information Services(EBIS) where he urged students to check their bank balance as the payments has been made.
“We have made the payments and students should check their accounts for their money. As government we take education serious and we will made sure we address issues speedily that might affect this quality education” he said.
Speaking in an earlier interview with this Swaziland News, the Minister blamed the students particularly from the Southern African Nazarene University(SANU) who embarked in a protest action saying they were the ones who caused this delay after submitting non-functional bank accounts. The protest that saw one students shot by the police came after some students complained that they were not paid their monthly allowances.
SANU students protesting in Manzini after government failed to pay their allowances.