MBABANE: The senior member of the Ground Forces who was commanding an operation during the shooting and killing of police officer Thulani Mthembu alleged that he saw Senior Superintendent Clement Sihlongonyane through a video call.
Sihlongonyane is wanted by the Solidarity Forces for allegedly killing civilians during the June 2021 political unrest.
Speaking to this Swaziland News on Tuesday, the Commander said police officers invaded Fairview on Saturday looking for the Solidarity Forces, however, he said his ‘fighters’ were smart enough to pass through the battalion of the police officers without being noticed.
“After you published that report suggesting that a battalion of police officers were driving to Fairview, I called and ordered them to leave that place. Bavele bangifonela batsi naba sendlula lakubo, awutsi sikufonele nge-video call ubabone, bebanganani!...bekungatsi baphumele wena, ngoba nabafuna wena kuphuma umtsimba, one by one sitabacedza. Sihlongonyane was there, actually there were two plain-clothed police officers who were going around the homes with a picture asking the residents if they know ‘this man’. Thereafter, they called for a back-up of other officers,” said the Commander of the Ground Forces.
Superintendent Phindile Vilakati, the Police Spokesperson had not responded at the time of compiling this report.
On another note, the Commander of the Ground Forces clarified that none of their members were arrested or killed as reported by the Times.

Senior Superintendent Clement Sihlongonyane.