MBABANE: King Mswati allegedly assaulted iNkhosikati Sibonelo Mngomezulu known as LaMbikiza for questioning him about the real father of Princess Sikhanyiso’s son Prince Phikolezwe.
This is not the first time allegations of abuse towards eMakhosikati emerge against Mswati.
The late Inkhosikati Nothando Dube allegedly sent pictures to political activist Lucky Lukhele and journalists reporting the physical abuse she suffered at the hands of her husband.
It has been reported that the late Inkhosikati LaDube was allegedly isolated and heavily assaulted by the King and his bodyguards after being found in bed with Ndumiso Mamba, the then Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs.
Reached for comments, Percy Simelane, the King’s Spokesperson said he was only responsible for the public image of the King not private matters, adding that any effort to enquire about this matter would be an invasion of the King’s privacy.
“We are not aware, it is the public face of the King that is our area of interest and concern.We therefore wouldn't be able to know what happens behind closed doors and any effort by us to enquire along those lines would be invasion of privacy,” said the King’s Spokesperson.
A questionnaire was sent to Inkhosikati LaMbikiza via her mobile number, however, she had not responded at the time of compiling this report.
Reached for comments, Lucky Lukhele, the Spokesperson of the Swaziland Solidarity Network(SSN) confirmed that he received pictures as evidence from the late Inkhosikati LaDube adding that he was also aware of the assault against Queen LaMbikiza.
“I am aware that LaMbikiza was assaulted by Mswati and she lost her teeth in the process. Other Queens are suffering at the hands of the King, he doesn’t want them to socialize with men that he sees as competitors, he has a low self-esteem. LaDube even reached out to me reporting that Mswati assaulted her, she even shared some pictures,” said the Spokesperson of the Swaziland Solidarity Network.
Even though the Gender Based Violence(GBV)matter involving Mswati remains a top secret, LaMbikiza subsequently shared the sad story with some of her close friends while in hospital on or around February 2021.
It is alleged that at the time, the Queen had gone for an implant of an artificial set of teeth.
“It’s true, she told me kutsi loMjita(Mswati) umshaye wamkhokha ematinyo. Wangitjela asayowafaka lamatinyo waphindze wangitjela noma asabuyela ayowalungisa(meaning:She told me that he assaulted her and she lost her teeth, she even told me when going to hospital for the artificial teeth).So if you want to verify this,check her passport around February 2021 and then follow that evidence. She was assaulted a few months or weeks after the birth of Phikolezwe,” said the insider very close to Queen LaMbikiza.
Now, an independent investigation conducted by this Swaziland News uncovered that Inkhosikati Sibonelo Mngomezulu(LaMbikiza) left the country on or around 15th August 2022, her diplomatic passport suggests that she flew to South Africa with flight number 3DC-SWz around 10:54am.
But royal insiders who alerted this publication about the trip said this time, the Queen was receiving medical treatment in South Africa for a completely different illness not for the teeth.
“She is sick and has gone for an operation. It’s true that these days there’s a serious conflict between the King and the Queen. Lokunye lokwenteka, Make watjela iNkhosi kutsi ayilalele bantfu ibanike loku labakufunako ngoba ngeke alwe nebantfu aphumelele, naye bakatsi uyamsita phela uyam-advisor njengendvodza yakhe, hhawu wavele watsi lona sotsengiwe,LaMbikiza ufuna kumbulala. Akayi nekuya eNkoyoyo, nakwentekile waya ufike ajima-jime nje ajike(meaning: Another thing, the Queen tried to advise the King that he must listen to the people, instead the King accused her of being a sellout and that she was plotting to kill him,” said the royal insider who is very close to Mswati and Queen Sibonelo Mngomezulu.
Worth-noting, a former member of the King’s Advisory Council also confirmed that the Queen reported the assault to him.
“She even showed me a picture after the assault and was forced not to appear in public until she receives medical treatment,” said the former member of the King’s Advisory Council.
King Mswati rules eSwatini as an absolute Monarch with Executive, Judicial and Legislative powers, he allegedly manipulated the Constitution and placed himself above the law.
As the result, the King cannot be taken to court in eSwatini and be held accountable for serious allegations of Gender Based Violence(GBV).
Reached for comments, human rights lawyer Nosimilo Vilakati said domestic violence remained a gross violation of human rights adding that it didn’t matter who the perpetrator was.
“National and international law instruments serve the purpose of protecting every individual against any form of abuse. Analysis of domestic violence as an abuse of human rights is addressed in national courts. However, when domestic courts fail to do this, international litigation provides positive mechanisms.The right to be free from domestic violence is not directly stated in international human rights treaties because domestic violence often results in battery,rape,murder,” said the human rights lawyer.

King Mswati and Inkhosikati LaMbikiza(pic:inte).