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MTN FOUNDATION SUPPORT:One Billion Rising commemorates International Day of the Girl Child.

Saturday, 8th October, 2022

LAMGABHI: One Billion Rising in collaboration with the Journey of Hope for Girls and Women commemorated the International Day of the girl child in an event that was held at eMhlangeni,LaMgabhi on Saturday.

Speaking during the event,One Billion Rising community circles Coordinator Sitakele Maseko said One Billion Rising believes in the empowerment of the girl child since they are future leaders.

“As an organization, we believe in empowerment of the girl child and the creation of opportunities where these young girls can build their confidence and learn to express themselves with confidence, also further know their rights,”she said.

On another note, one of the girls Nonhlanganiso Mbuli said through the One Billion Rising community circles empowerment, she now believes in herself and has been empowered to report any abuse.

MTN FOUNDATION SUPPORT:One Billion Rising commemorates International Day of the Girl Child.
MTN FOUNDATION SUPPORT:One Billion Rising commemorates International Day of the Girl Child.