MPOLONJENI: Jabulani Mabuza, the Acting Minister of Natural Resources and Energy officially opened the Mpolonjeni Potable Water Sanitation Supply project last week.
According to Government online platforms, the project, worth over E33 million, will benefit about 25 000 citizens from 3 230 households as well as 18 schools and 53 churches.
It was funded by Government through the Regional Development Fund and Micro Projects Unit in partnership with World Vision and provides 15 300 metered yard connections that will be maintained by the Eswatini Water Services Corporation.
“This project is one of the Ministry’s interventions in the rural communities of ensuring that all citizens have access to safe drinking water to attain the national and international goals on water supply and sanitation.His Majesty’s Government has made it a priority to provide clean water and adequate sanitation for all, as stated in the National Development Strategy (NDS). The country is also keen to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 6 –Access to clean water and safe sanitation by all in 2030,” said the Minister as quoted by Government online platforms.
On another note, World Vision National Director Faith Ngwenya said bringing water to a community was one of the biggest ways to help communities.
“Access to safe and clean water protects both children and adults from diseases, such as diarrhoea, bilharzia, amongst others and, generally, positively contributes to health outcomes,”said the World Vision National Director.
Minister Jabulani Mabuza and different stakeholders drink from a tap during the official opening of the Mpolonjeni Potable Water Supply project(pic: Gov).