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BOMBED STATE PROPAGANDIST LUSHABA: MPs Bacede, Mthandeni committed treason, law must take its course.

Wednesday, 26th October, 2022

MBABANE: Alec Lushaba, the State propagandist whose home was petrol bombed on Wednesday said Members of Parliament(MPs) Bacede Mabuza and Mthandeni Dube committed treason by demanding an elected Prime Minister hence the law must take its course.

In an article published by the eSwatini Observer on the 7th June 2021 just two weeks before the 29 June 2021 massacre, Lushaba, a resident of LaMgabhi eTiyeni said the MPs were not actually calling for an elected Prime Minister but they wanted to overthrow the King.

“Bacede and company’s conduct is treasonous and the sooner the law takes its course the better,” reads the article in part.

Efforts to reach Alec Lushaba for a comment proved unsuccessful at the time of compiling this report.

Lushaba’s home was bombed on Wednesday as tension escalates within this tiny Kingdom, he is highly expected to stand for elections again at Hhukwini Constituency.

On another note, the pro-democracy MPs are languishing in jail merely for demanding democracy on behalf of the people who delivered petitions to Mswati’s government.

The King allegedly unleashed soldiers and the police to shoot and kill dozens of civilians merely for protesting in demand for democracy.

BOMBED STATE PROPAGANDIST LUSHABA: MPs Bacede, Mthandeni committed treason, law must take its course.
King Mswati and Alec Lushaba.