MATSAPHA: Senator Mancoba Khumalo, the Minister of Commerce, Industry and Trade officially opened Invert Eswatini, a syrup manufacturing plant based in Matsapha, government online platforms reported on Wednesday.
According to the report, Invert eSwatini invested E12 million for Phase one(I) of the project and created twenty(20)direct and thirty-seven(37)indirect jobs.
“For us, as the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Trade, it is always exciting to launch businesses as it a positive step towards the recovery of economy and job creation in the Kingdom.This project is expected to bring about diversification and value addition of our locally produced sugar which His Majesty’s government is advocating for. Furthermore, we are pleased that the company will also be exporting its product as we promote an export driven economy as Government.We, as the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Trade, are pleased that the opening of this project came at an opportune time as the country is still implementing the Post C0VID-19 economic recovery plan and this project greatly contributes to its success,”’said the Commerce Minister.

Minister Manqoba Khumalo, Members of Parliement, Senior Government officials and Matsapha Mayor on a tour of Invert Eswatini during its official opening on Wednesday(pic: Gov).