MBABANE: The Ministry of Health will employ 290 health workers to assistin the fight against COVID 19, Minister Lizzie Nkosi has revealed.
Speaking during a press briefing at the cabinet offices in Mbabane on Tuesday afternoon said, \" Cabinet has approved that the Ministry can employ 290 more health workers, as the work expands we have a great need of more health workers to help in the fight against COVID 19\".
The Minister revealed that there are 90 vacancies for general nurses, 15 for staff nurses and 50 for assistant nurses to name a few. This comes at a time when the country is witnessing an increase in COVID 19 cases, the Minister has today announced 6 new cases of COVID 19 ,amongst them are 2 health workers from the Lubombo region. The country has 71 confirmed cases of COVID 19 to date.

Health Minister Lizzie Nkosi