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KING MSWATI TO POLITICAL ACTIVISTS:Don’t cry about mercenaries killing you,more trouble is coming.

Sunday, 22nd January, 2023

ENGABEZWENI:King Mswati says he was surprised upon hearing those “causing instability in the country crying about foreign mercenaries as more trouble was coming for them”.

Political parties released press statements condemning Mswati after this Swaziland News exposed alleged State mercenaries killing those calling for democratic reforms in the country.

The alleged State hired mercenaries are working with the army and police officers, dozens have been killed since the unrest started in June 2021.

Addressing regiments on Saturday at Engabezweni Royal Residence, the King said no one had a monopoly over violence or killing.

The King said those who are killing others in the country normally cried once the State started dealing with them.

“Batsi nasebasetjentwa lakaNgwane bagijime batsi 'Hawu Mswati sewulandze ema-mercenaries, ayasibulala, inyandzaleyo'. Bobani laba labacale lokuganga?(meaning: When the State starts dealing with them, they cry out loud saying Mswati has hired mercenaries to kill us.Who started this criminal activity?" said the King.

Human rights lawyer Thulani Maseko, the Chairperson of the pro-democracy MultiStakeholder Forum(MSF) was shot dead at his home Luyengo on Saturday evening, a few hours after the King delivered his thretening speech.

KING MSWATI TO POLITICAL ACTIVISTS:Don’t cry about mercenaries killing you,more trouble is coming.
King Mswati.