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Public Service Principal Secretary Sipho Tsabedze must retire, we will reveal more evidence within 7 days on how he changed date of birth.

Wednesday, 1st February, 2023

Sipho Nelson Tsabedze, the Principal Secretary in the Ministry of Public Service must retire peacefully,his January 2023 salary is a fraudulent benefit.

Tsabedze was supposed to retire on 01 January 2023, we are in possession of his passport details that confirm that he was indeed born on 01 January 1963.

Even though we published some evidence in our story, we are giving him seven days to deny these allegations and thereafter, we will publish more evidence.

We have many educated citizens in this country who qualify to be Principal Secretaries and we don’t understand why Tsabedze is refusing to go home.

Public Service Principal Secretary Sipho Tsabedze must retire, we will reveal more evidence within 7 days on how he changed date of birth.
Public Service Principal Secretary Sipho Tsabedze.