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More than five(5) of Mswati’s children are Gays,King’s Spokesperson says no Bill to legalize LGBTQ.

Wednesday, 22nd February, 2023

MBABANE: Percy Simelane,the King’s Spokesperson says currently,there’s no move or Bill that seeks to legalize Lesbians,Gays,Bisexuals,Transgender and Queer(LGTBQ).

Simelane was responding to questions from this Swaziland News  amid allegations suggesting that more than five(5) of King Mswati’s children were Gays and Lesbians.

The names of the Princes and Princess who are members of the LGBTQ cannot be revealed for ethical reasons.

“We are not aware of any move or Bill to legalize Gays and Lesbians in Eswatini.Should the need arise we want to believe it would be done constitutionally away from birth rights,”said the King’s Spokesperson.

Speaking to this Swaziland News on Wednesday,Sisanda Mavimbela,the Executive Director of the Eswatini Sexual and Gender Minorities said it was very unfortunate that when it comes to human rights issues,eSwatini still believes in debates.

”The issue of the lack of legislation that protects and promotes the rights of LGBTI+ persons in the country has caused stigma and discrimination that leads to exclusion for the LGBT+ person in society. LGBTI+ persons are currently suffering in schools,work and homes which reduces their productivity in Society.Lesbian, Bisexual,Trans and Queer women are fighting Gender Based Violence(GBV)on their own,”said the Executive Director of the Eswatini Sexual and Gender Minorities.

Gays and Lesbians in eSwatini are subjected to harassment, they have been protesting in vain, demanding their rights.

Reached for comments,Sikelela Dlamini,the Secretary General of the pro-democracy MultiStakeholder Forum(MSF)said Gays and Lebians were persecuted in eSwatini and the Government was reluctant to register their organization.

“We call upon the Government to allow Gays and Lesbians to live and enjoy their rights like all human beings,”said the MSF Secretary General.

Responding to questions from this Swaziland News earlier regarding the alleged discrimination of the Lesbian,Gay, Bisexual,Transgender and Intersex(LGBTI) Community in eSwatini, Alpheous Nxumalo,the Government Spokesperson said the issue required civil engagements and education more than legislation.

“We think that the issue of discrimination is neither here nor there.It is just that African communities are probably struggling coming to terms with the unorthodox lifestyle of this particular community.I think in the long run it's a challenge and question of civic engagement and education about this community more than an issue of legislating for their existence or discrimination,”said the Government Spokesperson.

More than five(5) of Mswati’s children are Gays,King’s Spokesperson says no Bill to legalize LGBTQ.
King Mswati(pic: Gov).