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Lawyers for Lawyers condemns assassination attempt on eSwatini human rights attorney Maxwell Nkambule.

Sunday, 12th March, 2023

MBABANE:Lawyers for Lawyers,an international advocacy organization that defends the rights of lawyers has released a statement condemning the assassination attempt on human rights lawyer Maxwell Nkambule.

The lawyer survived shooting allegedly by Mswati’s agents at Siphofaneni in the Lubombo region late last year,he was representing some alleged members of the pro-democracy Swaziland International Solidarity Forces(SISF).

“Lawyers for Lawyers is concerned about the assassination attempt as well as the harassment and intimidation of Mr Maxwell Nkambule.Lawyers for Lawyers is furthermore concerned about the overall failures of the authorities in the Kingdom of Eswatini to ensure the safety of lawyers in carrying out their professional legal duties and to properly investigate incidents of violence against lawyers.Mr. Nkambule is a human rights lawyer in the kingdom of Eswatini and reportedly has been attacked due to his representation of freedom fighters facing charges under the Suppression of Terrorism Act of 2018 in Eswatini,”reads the statement released last week.

Lawyers for Lawyers condemns assassination attempt on eSwatini human rights attorney Maxwell Nkambule.
Lawyer Maxwell Nkambule.