LOBAMBA LOMDZALA: Senator Themba Masuku,the Deputy Prime Minister(DPM),visited storm victims at Lobamba Lomdzala in December 2022,but subsequently he disappeared.
As a result,Lobamba Lomdzala MP Marwick Khumalo came down hard on the DPM inside Parliament, accusing him of channeling State resources to certain individuals as a campaign tool.
“I know the DPM as an honorable person, but he has changed. He arrived at Lobamba Lomdzala,and we had hopes that the Disaster Agency would assist the people, but he disappeared. We are now seeing the assistance being channeled to individuals who are favorites of the system, while those with different views are ignored,"said the MP during the budget speech debate.
A questionnaire was sent to the Deputy Prime Minister, in which he was asked why he disappeared without helping the people of Lobamba Lomdzala; however, he had not responded at the time of compiling this report.
After the affected families’ stick and mud houses were destroyed, the government promised to help the victims, a promise that was never kept.

One of the affected families.