SIPHOFANENI:Ngomyayona Gamedze,the former Senate Deputy President says the Elections and Boundaries Commission(EBC) arrived at Siphofaneni last weekend and lectured voters for only two(2)hours for a decision that will take five(5) years to be reversed.
Speaking to this Swaziland News current affairs program on Monday, the former Senate Deputy President said the EBC was not serious about capacitating voters.
“You can’t spend only two hours to lecture voters about elections whose outcomes will take five(5) years to be reversed,”he said.
Swazis are highly elected to participate in Tinkhundla elections to elect Members of Parliament(MPs).
Political parties are banned from participating in these elections, the King appoints the Prime Minister, Ministers, a majority of Senators and all members of the various Governing Councils.
Former Senate Deputy President Ngoma Gamedze.