NKHABA:Thulani Gwebu,a police officer based in Pigg’s Peak who was allegedly involved in the shooting and killing of innocent civilians during the political unrest,has launched an elections campaign.
Speaking during the presentation of football teams at Nkhaba Sports Ground on Saturday, the police officer declared that he wants to be an MP.
“Ningive kahle, asisho kwanyalo kutsi hamba uyokhetsa Gwebu, hamba uyokhetsa bani. Mine ngitonibikela nje kutsi ngikhona kulolukhetfo lwalonyaka. Loko noma ungaku-recorder noma ungakubhala phansi kuphi, ngiyakusho without fear, kulolukhetfo lwalonyaka ngikhona(meaning:Listen very carefully, I am not saying vote for Gwebu or someone else but, what I am saying is that I am available and will stand for elections this year,” said the police officer.
A questionnaire was sent to Prince Mhlabuhlangene, the Chairman of the Elections and Boundaries Commission(EBC), however, he had not responded at the time of compiling this report.
On another note, the police officer is alleged to be among the officers who were terrorizing residents in various Chiefdoms including Malanti during the political unrest.
Residents of the area were seen a video grabbing a gun from one of the officers who were shooting innocent civilians.
Officer Thulani Gwebu.