HOSEA: Chief Mlotjwa, of KaLiba Chiefdom under Hosea Inkhundla allegedly assaulted his baby-mama Ziyanda Mhlanga,he subsequently deprived her access to medical treatment by blocking efforts by neighbors to transport her to hospital.
The incident happened on Sunday, Mhlanga was bashed after being accused of cheating and neighbors who tried to intervene were threatened with a gun by the Chief who works as soldier.
Reached for comments, Ziyanda’s mother-in law Thokozile Dlamini confirmed the assault.
“Ziyanda is from hospital as we speak,she was heavily assaulted last night.I wont comment further, Chief Mlotjwa is a monster,” she said.
Efforts to reach Chief Mlotjwa proved unsuccessful at the time of compiling this report, his phone was not available both on Whatsap and the general calls.
Reached for comments, Nonhlanhla Dlamini, the Executive Director of the Swaziland Action Group Against Abuse(SWAGAA) urged the victim to open a case against the Chief under the Sexual Offenses and Domestic Violence Act(SODOV).
“It’s a crime to assault another person and another crime to deprive that person access to medical care. One would urge the victim to open a criminal case against the Chief and further visit our offices for counseling,” said the SWAGAA Executive Director.
Ziyanda Mhlanga(far-left) was assaulted by the Chief.