LOZITHA:Jabulani Mabuza, the Acting Minister of Natural Resources and Energy officially opened a R2.5million Lozitha Water Scheme, Government online platforms reported on Monday.
According to the report, the scheme will benefit approximately 350 people, it was facilitated through a collaboration between the Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy, the Ministry of Health, WaterAid Eswatini, the Hilton Foundation and the Lozitha community.
“This project is one of the Ministry’s interventions in the rural communities of ensuring that every liSwati has access to safe drinking water. The scheme gets water from a mountain stream.It is important to point out that the community of Lozitha has achieved 100% sanitation coverage through guidance from the Ministry of Health. The availability of the sanitation facilities will further reduce waterborne diseases in this community,” said the Minister.
Minister Jabulani Mabuza opens a tap at the launch of Lozitha Water Supply and Sanitation scheme(pic: Gov).