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DOMESTIC VIOLENCE:Former Miss Swaziland Nozipho Shabangu almost killed by husband lawyer Mancoba ‘Tsotsi’ Ndlangamandla,secret videos expose ‘Maketala’ siding with son.

Saturday, 4th November, 2023

KA-LUHLEKO:Nozipho Shabangu, the former Miss Swaziland was almost killed by her husband Mancoba ‘Tsotsi’ Ndlangamandla of MP Ndlangamandla Attorneys in Manzini.

Videos leaked to this Swaziland News by the former Miss Swaziland’s friends expose the alleged abusive lawyer and her mother Lomgcibelo Mabuza verbal abusing the wife.

The incident occurred at ka-Luhleko and Shabangu was first assaulted and almost killed by the lawyer.

In another video,Ndlangamandla and his mother are seen abusing Shabangu while another identified person is suggesting that, they must calm down and wait for the police.

The lawyer is alleged to have then abandoned the home and ordered the former Miss Swaziland to vacate with immediate effect.

“I won’t vacate this is my home, you can go, vele ngeSiswati indvodza itsatsa lijazi ihambe”, said the former Miss Swaziland in one of the videos as the argument reaches the boiling point.

The videos cannot be released as they form part of evidence for a pending matter in court.

Reached for comments, Nozipho Shabangu, the former Miss Swaziland referred comments to her lawyer Thabiso Fakudze.

“Good day Nkhosi, thank you for the call, all matters are in court so I think it’s best you speak to the my lawyer,” said the former Miss Swaziland.

When asked to respond regarding the allegations, lawyer Mancoba Ndlangamandla,the husband to the former Miss Swaziland said, he will send a report to this journalist from the Social Welfare so that, this publication can understand “what kind of a person Shabangu is”. He said the report will assist this publication to produce a balanced story.

“I'll assist u get a balanced story, ngikuphe nepoti ngaye yaSocial welfare for your perusal, then you'll get to know and understand her ngingakakhulumi lutfo nangaye,all in good time,” said the lawyer in a message sent to this Swaziland News.

But when asked to share the report of the Social Welfare, the lawyer changed tune.

No Zweli, I'm not about her character parade/assassination,all im saying is all you have is not the truth”, he said when justifying why he won’t send the report.

Efforts to reach Lomgcibelo Mabuza, the mother-in law(Maketala) to the former Miss Swaziland who also appeared in the videos siding with son while abusing Nozipho Shabangu, proved unsuccessful at the time of compiling this report.

Eswatini is facing a surge in domestic violence cases while the Government demonstrates reluctance to declare Gender Based Violence(GBV) as a national disaster.

Reached for comments earlier by this Swaziland News,Nonhlanhla Dlamini, the Executive Director of the Eswatini Action Group Against Abuse(SWAGAA) said,the escalating cases in domestic violence cases “is a clear indication” that Gender Based Violence(GBV) must be declared a national disaster.

“We hope the new Prime Minister will declare GBV as a disaster because he understands disasters”,said the SWAGAA Director.

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE:Former Miss Swaziland Nozipho Shabangu almost killed by husband lawyer Mancoba ‘Tsotsi’ Ndlangamandla,secret videos expose ‘Maketala’ siding with son.
Former Miss Swaziland Nozipho Shabangu.