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Police Spokesperson Superintendent Phindile Vilakati almost committed suicide amid financial challenges,earns less than R3000 after deductions.

Wednesday, 22nd November, 2023

MBABANE:Phindile Vilakati,the Police Spokesperson almost committed suicide,she is depressed amid financial challenges.

Vilakati’s strange behavior was noticed during a domestic violence meeting organized by Women Rights Organization, she broke down and cried and when asked, she narrated that she was facing financial challenges.

When systematically probed by the editor, the Police Spokesperson confirmed that,she had many debts, she then rushed to borrow money to pay one thousand, five hundred(R1,500.00) to one leader of a  women rights organization who she thought could have leaked the information about her dire financial situation.

“I am owing many people,who are you talking about?,” said the Police Spokesperson when speaking to the editor, she later disappeared and avoided editor.

Information sourced from the Eswatini Government Treasury Department suggests that, Vilakati is among other top police officers including Station Commanders who earn less than three thousand Rands (R3000) after deductions. Some of the Station Commanders, it has been disclosed, now rely on Asians businesspeople who pays them monthly for sending police officers to protect their businesses.

Police Spokesperson Superintendent Phindile Vilakati almost committed suicide amid financial challenges,earns less than R3000 after deductions.
Police Spokesperson Phindile Vilakati.