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Eswatini Finance Minister Neal Rijikernberg appeals for donations to end Malaria, Nurses Union Secretary General Mayibongwe Masangwane says money will be looted through corruption.

Thursday, 7th December, 2023

MBABANE: Neal Rijikernberg, the Minister of Finance has launched the End Malaria Fund Border Resource Mobilisation Campaign,an initiative that seeks to raise funds that will help the country drive its end malaria activities. 

It has been reported through Government online platforms on Wednesday that, boxes will be placed at selected ports of entry such as Ngwenya Border Post (Oshoek), Matsamo Border Post, Lomahasha Border Post, Mhlumeni Border Post, King Mswati III International Airport and Lavumisa Border Post where members of the public and tourists will donate.

Malaria Elimination remains Eswatini’s top priority as we gear up to attain this vision in the not-so-distant 2025 and as such, we need to work collaboratively across sectors to ensure the realization of this vision.As a Government, we remain committed to ensuring that health is one of the key priorities as we embark on the national budget.As we seek more resources from various international and local partners, we continue to appeal to the people of Eswatini to use these facilities and donate towards funding the malaria program,” said the Finance Minister.

But Mayibongwe Masangwane, the Secretary General of the Swaziland Democratic Nurses Union(SWADNU) said, the donations will not help, in any way, as corruption was rife in the Ministry of Health.

”Corruption is at the highest level within the Ministry of Health, so even if the Finance Minister can raise funds to fund Malaria, the money will be looted through corruption,” said the Nurses Union Secretary General.

Eswatini Finance Minister Neal Rijikernberg appeals for donations to end Malaria, Nurses Union Secretary General Mayibongwe Masangwane says money will be looted through corruption.
Finance Minister Neal Rijikernberg.