MBABANE: One Billion Rising Campaign, an international women’s rights solidarity organizations has introduced a program ‘Liguma’ on Swaziland News audio that seeks to educate members of the public about women and children’s rights particularly the girl child.
Colani Hlatshwayo the Africa Regional coordinator for the One Billion Rising Campaign said the program that was aired for the first-time last week will be broadcasted every Wednesday, she said the main objective is fight Gender Based Violence (GBV) and further creates awareness on the rights of women and children.
‘‘One Billion Rising Campaign is a world-wide campaign whose main objective is to put an end to gender-based violence. This campaign began in 2012 and has been joined by over 200 countries world-wide, 17 of these are African countries including Eswatini. Gender based violence is rife the world over, we have seen an increase of its reported cases and as One Billion Rising Campaign we promise to work with government and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO’s) in the fight against gender-based violence. In the new programme ‘Liguma’ we will be engaging different organisations and women as a collective effort in bringing an end to gender based violence’’, said the Coordinator.
One Billion Rising is the biggest mass action to end violence against women (Cisgender, transgender and those who hold fluid identities that are subject to gender-based violence) in human history. The campaign, that was launched on Valentine’s Day 2012, began as a call to action based on the staggering statistic that 1 in 3 women on the planet will be beaten or raped during her lifetime. With the world population at 7 billion, this adds up to more than ONE BILLION WOMEN AND GIRLS hence the name ‘One Billion Rising’.
Visit listen to the new programme every Wednesday.
One Billion Rising Campaign Africa