MATSAPHA:Inyatsi Group Chairman Michello Shakantu’s Eswatini Meat Industries has partnered with Philani Maswati in the annual national braai and as a result of the partnership, the event will now be known as “Embiveni Biggest Braai”.
This was announced by Philani Maswati Chairman Lutfo Dlamini during a press conference held at eMbiveni-Eswatini Meat Industries on Thursday.
“We have partnered with eMbiveni after they accepted our proposal to work with them and they will be supplying us with meat for the biggest braai. As a result of the partnership, the event will now be known as eMbiveni Biggest Braai”,said the Philani Maswati Chairman.
Dlamini described the partnership as the “best deal” for both eMbiveni and Philani Maswati.

Philani Maswati Chairman Lutfo Dlamini(c) announced the partnership.