SIMUNYE:Wander Mkhonza, the Secretary General of the Amalgamated Trade Union of Swaziland(ATUSWA) has called for action to be taken against Enviro Applied Products,a company allegedly contracted to the Royal Eswatini Sugar Corporation(RESC).
The company is alleged to be ill-treating workers,forcing them to work without break or lunch at Simunye where hot temperatures sometimes reach over forty(4O) degrees celsius.
“Firstly, the company must be forced to pay the employees the number of break and lunch hours as overtime. The workers must approach us, we can assist and we encourage them to be members of unions so that their rights could be protected”, he said.
When this publication tried to contact a Enviro Applied Products Manager identified as Setsabile,she declined to comment about the matter.
On another note, the workers told this Swaziland News that,they were threatened with dismissal for complaining about the unfair labour practices.
Workers allegedly forced to work without break,lunch at Royal Eswatini Sugar Corporation(RESC) contracted company- Enviro Applied Products.