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SHORTAGE OF DRUGS AT RFM HOSPITAL:Police officer Dumsani Mkhweli dies inside his room at Tshaneni Police Camp,took last breath shortly after Station Commander visited him.

Wednesday, 5th June, 2024

TSHANENI: Dumsani Mkhweli,a police officer based at Tshaneni Police Station allegedly died inside his room at the Police Camp on Monday, shortly after returning from the Raleigh Fitkin Memorial(RFM) hospital where he discovered that,there were no drugs amid the health crisis.

Senior Superintendent Phindile Vilakati,the Police Spokesperson declined to comment about the death of the police officer.

It is alleged that, Mkhweli decided to go back and die inside his room at the Police Camp after realizing that, the RFM was also facing shortage of drugs.

The Station Commander is alleged to have visited him inside his room but Mkhweli took the last breath upon seeing the Commander.

SHORTAGE OF DRUGS AT RFM HOSPITAL:Police officer Dumsani Mkhweli dies inside his room at Tshaneni Police Camp,took last breath shortly after Station Commander visited him.
The late Dumsani Mkhweli.