MBABANE:Vusumuzi Major V Dlamini, the newly appointed King’s Advisor sent appreciations to Swaziland News editor Zweli Martin Dlamini for writing news, he said the editor promoted him and demonstrated tolerance in the midst of different political views.
“Uyakhumbula wekhuta utsi bangangibulali, watsi “luyekeleni loluhlanya lweNkhosi lukhulume ningalubulali.Phela wena uwakitsi. Phela umuntfu nakagijime kucala wagibela kuleya ntsaba leya, nine leni laphansi niva ngaye kutsi kunani kuleya ntsaba. Wenta njalo-ke wena lokubhala usitjele kutsi kwentekani laveni”,said the King’s Advisor when speaking to the editor on Friday afternoon.
The King’s Advisor said he understood that,he might have spoken things that might have angered the editor but, the editor demonstrated tolerance and continued to give him media coverage.
King’s Advisor Major V.