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Traditionalist Elliot Mkhatjwa: Tanzania must put pressure on eSwatini over missing dead body.

Monday, 2nd November, 2020

MBABANE: Well-known traditionalist and Chairman of the Swaziland Democratic Party(SWADEPA) says the government of Tanzania should continue putting pressure on eSwatini in demand of the missing dead body of their citizen Gladness Kimaro Edje.

Reacting to an investigative report that implicated authorities of Prime Minister Ambrose Dlamini’s powerful and politically connected cabal, the Jesus Calls Worship Centre(JCWC) in the missing dead body, Mkhatjwa did not dismiss possibilities that the corpse might have been stolen for ritual purposes.

“The disappearance of a dead body in our culture is associated with witchcraft because as Africans, our strong believe is that, a corpse should be handled by the relatives or family of that particular person. Nasesebiwe kusho kutsi kuyogangwa ngaso lesidvumbu, nyalo sekwakheka butsa kulamave ngenca yanaba labebe lesidvumbu(meaning: If a corpse is stolen is means someone might have taken it for ritual purposes and this will create tension between the two countries because of these people who stole the corpse” said the traditionalist when speaking to this Swaziland News on Monday.

This publication published a highly investigative report on Sunday that exposed how the deceased Tanzanian national received death threats from Princess Lindiwe, the Minister of Home Affairs who doubles as the wife of Bishop Robert Karaso, this was after Gladness Kimaro Edje left the JC church to join God’s Glory Ministries.

Sibusiso Nhlabatsi, a human rights lawyer confirmed to this publication that he received instructions to litigate on behalf of the family in court with the intention of forcing the Manzini Clinic, the TB Centre through the Ministry of Health and the police to produce the corpse. It has been disclosed that an investigation by the law enforcement agency was sabotaged by those in power, children of the deceased were threatened that their residential permits will not be renewed if they continue pushing the matter, demanding the dead body of their mother.

Traditionalist Elliot Mkhatjwa: Tanzania must put pressure on eSwatini over missing dead body.
The late Gladness Kimoro Edje