MBABANE:Galp Eswatini is struggling to supply fuel to the various Filing Stations across the country amid import restrictions imposed by the Government through the Ministry of Finance.
Bruno Marques, the Galp Eswatini Managing Director had not responded at the time of compiling this report.
But one of the Filling Stations owner told this Swaziland News this week that, the challenges were caused by new policies imposed by the Minister of Finance Neal Rijikernberg, forcing Galp Eswatini to import fuel from South Africa not Mozambique to boost the country’s Southern African Customs Union(SACU) receipts.
“Galp Eswatini is being systematically forced by Government to import fuel from South Africa to boost the SACU receipts. So the process of importing from Mozambique is becoming frustrating”, said a Galp Filling Station owner.
When this publication called Finance Minister Neal Rijikernberg for a comment on Monday, his cellphone was answered by his alleged Personal Assistant (PA) who told this Swaziland News that, the Minister was busy and will respond later.
Siphofaneni Galp Filling Station is among the filling stations facing the fuel crisis and it is alleged that, fuel at Siphofaneni is only available twice a week.
Galp Eswatini struggling to supply fuel amid Government SACU restrictions,Filling Stations grounded.