MGAZINI:Prince MfanaweNkhosi,the son to the late Mgazini Chief Prince Hhobohhobo says,the traditional structures have been corrupted to the core such that, even King Mswati “is not aware that some Chiefs are using his name when grabbing land from poor and vulnerable citizens”.
Speaking to this Swaziland News on Monday evening,the Prince said, his brother Chief Prince Sicunusa normally use the King’s name when intimidating widows and other powerless citizens, grabbing and selling their land.
Prince MfanaweNkhosi is known and popular at Mgazini for being the voice of the powerless citizens whose land “is being grabbed” by the Chief.
“Uvele atsi iNkhosi itsite anginicoshe ningaphindzi nibuye laMgazini, betfuke bantfu labadzala neBafelokati basale bentela kuhlala kuphela babindze noma sekutsetfwe umhlaba wabo. This then creates a bad image for the King because the people will believe that, it is the King who is grabbing their land yet, it’s the Chief. One day, the people in the rural areas will rise and remove the King because even if those who wish to report this corruption to the King could try, the King’s Governing Councils have been corrupted. Recently, many Chiefs who doesn’t qualify where appointed through corruption. Batsi laba labenta le-corruption “iNkhosi yaze yabusisa seyivele ibusisile”. This means once you succeed in misleading the King and convince him to agree based on lies, he won’t change his mind and correct the wrong appointment ngoba phela kutsiwa iNkhosi yabusisa seyibusisile. This then gives those closer to the King the power to mislead him knowing that, once he approves, that decision stands”, said the Prince.
Efforts to seek a comment from Chief Prince Sicunusa proved unsuccessful at the time of compiling this report.
On another note, Prince MfanaweNkhosi told this publication that, the institution of the Monarchy has its pillars situated in the rural areas hence the ongoing land grabbing will, one day, result to the people rebelling against the King.
King Mswati at Ludzidzini Palace for the Reed Dance(SIPHIWE SIBEKO/ Reuters).