MBABANE:Mlamuli Dlamini,the Eswatini TV Chief Executive Officer(CEO) is currently at loggerheads with the Media Workers Union after suspending employees merely for signing a petition directed to Savannah Maziya,the Minister of Information,Communications and Technology(ICT) where allegations of corruption were reported.
The CEO stands accused of approving tenders worth over R3.5million without following procedures through the Eswatini Public Procurement Regulatory Authority(ESPPRA) and, renting fancy cars at over three hundred thousand Rands(R300,000.00) per-month while the State media company struggles financially and failing to implement a Cost of Living Adjustment(COLA).
“Subsequent to the petition that was submitted to the Minister of Information Communication and Technology(ICT) and copied to yourselves with the view earmarked to uproot corruption to some of your Managers who are a result of membership not getting Cost of Living Adjustment(COLA) for two years and deprived to enjoy recruitment policy. We are reliable informed that they are now subject to victimization from time to time for filing a grievance in good faith to the line Ministry”, reads the letter in part written by Musa Nhlabatsi of the Media Union and directed to the Swazi TV Management.
But Mlamuli Dlamini, the Swazi TV CEO blasted the Union, accusing it of failing to demonstrate respect towards him.
“Whilst we appreciate your right to freedom of expression, we do believe, however, that your good office can manage to send your message across by being firm but fair in your tone without resorting to the constant threats and ultimatums”, said the Swazi TV CEO when responding to the letter from the Media Workers.
The Chief Executive Officer had not responded at the time of compiling this report.
Reached for comments by this Swaziland News, Musa Nhlabatsi, the Acting Secretary General of the Media Workers Union confirmed the letter.
“We can confirm knowledge of the letter from the CEO responding to our letter after we demanded answers regarding the suspension of the employees”, said the Acting Secretary General.
Swazi TV CEO Mlamuli Dlamini.