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Ex-National Commissioner Senator Isaac Magagula and other men avoid looking King Mswati’s new wife Jacob Zuma’s daughter in the eyes, demonstrate respect as per Customary Law.

Sunday, 27th October, 2024

SIKHUPHE:Senator Isaac Magagula, the former National Commissioner and other men who had come to welcomed Mswati on Sunday, avoided to look the King’s new wife Inkhosikati LaZuma in the eyes.

This is in accordance with Swazi Law and Custom, men are not allowed to look eMakhosikati directly in the eyes.

The King returned from Italy where he was attending the World Food Forum, Serbia for a State visit and, Samoa for the Commonwealth Summit.

Ex-National Commissioner Senator Isaac Magagula and other men avoid looking King Mswati’s new wife Jacob Zuma’s daughter in the eyes, demonstrate respect as per Customary Law.
Ex-National Commissioner Senator Isaac Magagula and other men avoid looking King Mswati’s new wife Inkhosikati LaZuma in terms of Customary Law(pic: Gov).