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Judge Qinisile Mabuza’s daughter evicts Hhohho Regional MP Tanele Magagula for failing to pay rent, demands over R30,000.00 outstanding payment.

Monday, 24th March, 2025

MBABANE:Judge Qinisile Mabuza’s daughter Sazikazi Nomfundo Mabuza has evicted Hhohho Regional Member of Parliament(MP) Tanele Magagula for failing to pay rent.

According to court papers, the MP who made headlines on this Swaziland News earlier on Sunday for disappearing with one thousand-five hundred Rands(R1,500.00) from a parent who wanted his child to study at St Marks Primary School, was residing at Lot 3159, Lukhasi Street Thembelihle, Mbabane.

But apart from evicting the MP for failing to pay rent,the Judge’s daughter demanded the sum of twenty-seven thousand Rands(R27,000.00), costs of suit including six-percent(6%) interest per-annum from the date of issue of the summons to the date of the final payment.

As a result, the amount demanded by Mabuza now amounts to over thirty thousand Rands(R30,000.00) and this, includes costs of suit.

Judge Qinisile Mabuza’s daughter evicts Hhohho Regional MP Tanele Magagula for failing to pay rent, demands over R30,000.00 outstanding payment.
Hhohho Regional MP Tanele Magagula(pic: supplied).