MATSAPHA: Khethukuthula Mathabela (21), a disabled wheel-chaired woman of Matsapha said she was kicked out of Family Cash and Carry (FCC) Supermarket situated at Mahhala because of her disability condition.
Speaking to this Swaziland News, Mathabela alleged that they were on a Valentine’s shopping spree with her friends, however, she was told by the security guards not to enter the Supermarket because people in her condition were not allowed in the shop, the security guards said they were acting on instructions from their superiors.
“We were looking for valentine gifts at the complex, but when we got to this particular shop the security personnel said disabled people were not allowed at the shop and this was an order by the management. We were all shocked and when we demanded audience with the manager we were told he was out for lunch" she said.
When reached for comments, Sipho Dlamini, the President of the Federation of Organisations of the Disabled in Eswatini (FODSWA) expressed his concerns on the level of discrimination demonstrated by the Supermarket .
“This is discrimination at its highest order, if our government was serious about looking after our rights as the disabled community, this shop would have been closed and be made to pay a huge fine, this could be a deterrence to would-be offenders. We have been advocating for the awareness raising of the Disability Act, any contravention of that Act amounts to a punishable offence" said the FODSWA President.
Khethukuthula Mathabela (21), a disabled wheel-chaired woman of Matsapha