MANZINI: Government is struggling to fully implement the vaccination program allegedly due to lack of resources, elderly woman were stranded today at Manzini North Constituency after health workers failed to show-up.
Lizzie Nkosi, the Minister of Health later released a statement informing the Nation that the elderly at Manzini North will be vaccinated tomorrow(Thursday 01 April 2021) saying the schedule has been changed.
“The Ministry of Health notified the Nation that the COVID-19 vaccination schedule for the elderly has been changed. The exercise could not be completed today in selected Tinkhundla Centres due to the high number of the elderly that showed up for the vaccination” said the Minister.
But insiders within the Ministry of Health disclosed that government was struggling to implement the vaccination program due to lack of resources, some government ambulances are grounded due to lack of fuel.
When reached for comments, Bheki Mamba, the President of Swaziland Democratic Nurses Union (SWADNU) said the vaccination exercise was marked with acute shortage of nurses, no vehicles to transport staff to the Centres for vaccination.

Health Minister Lizzie Nkosi(pic:Gov)