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REVEALED: Mswati’s senior wife LaMbikiza, Princess Sikhanyiso rushed to Mbabane Clinic amid poisoning scare within royalty.

Wednesday, 19th January, 2022

MBABANE: King Mswati’s senior wife Sibonelo Mngomezulu, known as Inkhosikati LaMbikiza and her daughter Princess Sikhanyiso were rushed to Mbabane Clinic amid poisoning allegations in the midst of a power struggle within the royal family.

This is contained in ‘confidential’ documents and other electronic evidence sourced within the Nkoyoyo Palace, the evidence further reveals the movements of the King’s wife and her daughter.

According to the documents in our possession, Her Royal Highness Inkhosikati LaMbikiza(52)whose date of birth is the 16th June 1969, was rushed to the Mbabane Clinic today(Wednesday, 19th January 2022) she arrived in the morning at around 0846hours.

On another note, the evidence reveals that Princess Sikhanyiso was admitted at the same clinic in the early morning hours on Sunday(16th January 2022) at around 0716hours, the Information Minister was treated and discharged on the same day.

When this publication called to seek a comment from Inkhosikati LaMbikiza, a lady who answered her phone firstly demanded to know what this journalist wanted to ask from the Inkhosikati. 

She then changed tune saying this journalist had called a wrong number. 

“I am not the right person to talk to,are you calling from the Embassy?”, she asked, to which this journalist responded that he was calling from the Swaziland News.

“This is not her number, thank you”, said the lady.

Efforts to reach Lusendvo Fakudze, the Ludzidzini Palace Governor proved unsuccessful at the time of compiling this report, his phone rang unanswered.

The documents reveal that both Princess Sikhanyiso and her mother Inkhosikati LaMbikiza were admitted for gastroenteritis, an intestinal infection marked by diarrhoea, cramps, nausea, vomiting and fever.

Eswatini is facing a health crisis after  Mswati’s government neglected public hospitals, suppliers who are allegedly owed millions by the State are staggering to supply drugs to the various hospitals.

Royal sources revealed that there was tension among the wives and children of the King, some of whom are positioning themselves to take over the Throne when Mswati dies.

An investigation is underway to ascertain whether the senior King’s wife was poisoned or she was admitted for a natural illness.

Reached for comments, Mayibongwe Masangane, the Secretary General of the Swaziland Democratic Nurses Union(SWADNU) said members of the royal family rushed to these clinics because they can afford the bills unlike poor citizens.

“They destroyed the health system and now they are rushing to such clinics because they can afford the bills. Unlike in public hospitals, drugs and other working equipment is always available in such clinics because that’s where the rich and powerful are treated”, said the Nurses Union Secretary General.

REVEALED: Mswati’s senior wife LaMbikiza, Princess Sikhanyiso rushed to Mbabane Clinic amid poisoning scare within royalty.
King Mswati and his wife Sibonelo Mngomezulu(Inkhosikati LaMbikiza) pic: inter.