EZULWINI:Dr Kevin Makadzange, the Health Promotions Officer at the World Health Organization(WHO)Eswatini says the total banning of plastic bags could save the planet.
Speaking during a press briefing on Wednesday at the Sibane Hotel, the WHO Health Promotions Officer said he was very happy with the "Phatsa Sakho" (Bring Your Own Bag) campaign adding that he was looking forward to the total banning of plastic bags in the country.
“Whenever plastic bags are burn they release a toxic substance into the air and a research suggests that in every minute thirteen(13)people globally die due to air pollution”, he said.
Isaac Dladla, the Director for Policy Planning at the Eswatini Environment Authority(EEA)echoed Makadzange's words adding that pollution was invisible and we should distribute our resources fairly as a country.
“We need a proactive rather than a reactive aproach when dealing with pollution issues because pollution is invisible,we should focus on preventing the damages", he said.

The World Health Organization has called for the banning of plastics bags.