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REVEALED:Magistrate Sindisiwe Zwane threatens to jail Students President if he continues to demand democracy.

Sunday, 5th June, 2022

MANZINI: A secret plot by an influential,powerful and politically connected judicial syndicate to jail Colani Maseko, the President of the Swaziland National Union of Students(SNUS) has been exposed.

An independent investigation by this Swaziland News has uncovered that Magistrate Sindisiwe Zwane is among the judicial syndicate monitoring Maseko, she allegedly threatened to jail the Students Union President if he continued to be vocal, demanding democracy.

It has been disclosed that the Magistrate allegedly issued the threats within her Chambers last week during Maseko’s court appearance, she further mentioned that as the Judiciary, they were patiently waiting for him to violate his bail conditions.

Speaking to this Swaziland News, Colani Maseko,the Students Union President confirmed that the Magistrate threatened him but referred comments to his lawyer Mathokoza Mbhamali who was present inside the Chambers.

“It’s true that the Magistrate threatened me with arrest but it’s better to contact my lawyer who was present for further comments,”said the Students President.

Reached for comments, Mathokoza Mbhamali, the lawyer representing Students Union President Colani Maseko also confirmed that Magistrate Sindisiwe Zwane threatened Maseko with jail.

“I can confirm that Magistrate Sindisiwe Zwane threatened Colani Maseko with arrest, this happened within her Chambers last week,”said the lawyer.

When questioned by this publication, Magistrate Sindisiwe Zwane confirmed knowledge of the meeting in the Chambers but denied threatening the Students President.

“I am not aware of the matter you are talking about, Mbhamali is one of the  lawyers I respect. I think the person who can give you a comment on what really happened inside the Chambers is Colani. If the lawyer confirms such,I think the person who can give you a comment on what really happened is the person who is involved in the matter and that is Colani,” said the Magistrate.

Reached for comments,the newly appointed female Commander of the   Ground Forces said they would deal with the Magistrate for threatening Colani Maseko with arrest.

“We will deal with the Magistrate, we were busy organizing more tools this side and we are ready to work now. We will need the details of the Magistrate who is threatening Colani.Bese ngiyamcela ngenhlitiyo lenhle lehlobile Magistrate ndzini, ahambe abuke emuva, ahambe acalata because right now ngimi naye. Ungibhalele ngeSiswati kutsi ngitsi ngimi naye right now.LoColani lona wetfu tsine emaSwati,walabantfwabetfu loColani lona. So right now ngimi naye ngisho ngingamkhandza ePick&Pay, I will take the risk,”said the female Commander of the Ground Forces.

Eswatini is in the midst of a political crisis and Mswati is allegedly using soldiers, the police and the judiciary to persecute those calling for democratic reforms.

On another note, it has been disclosed that some protestors who were demanding democracy during the political  unrest were denied bail by pro-Tinkhundla Magistrate Sindisiwe Zwane.

 REVEALED:Magistrate Sindisiwe Zwane threatens to jail Students President if he continues to demand democracy.
Magistrate Sindisiwe Zwane.