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Goodbye National Commissioner of Police William Dlamini!

Sunday, 31st July, 2022

Recently, I commented in an article telling National Commissioner of Police William Tsintsabala Dlamini who told police officers during a parade that I would be arrested anytime, that he must continue dreaming.

I am confident that when I come back to eSwatini, William Tsintsibala Dlamini would not be holding the position of National Commissioner, he might be removed by King Mswati or would have faced the people he challenged to come-out to eShashalazini.

Even if Tsintsabala survives being fired by Mswati, the Shashalazi war he declared might result to his ‘painful’ removal, therefore, Dlamini must continue dreaming that he will ever arrest me.

William Tsintsabala Dlamini thinks the situation is still normal in this country that he can threaten our lives as Swazis and continue with his life as if nothing has happened.

I am sure that the National Commissioner will not have the privilege of enjoying escorts after his removal.

Like former National Commissioner Isaac Magagula, he will walk in the streets that swallowed the blood of innocent citizens who were killed during the June 2021 political unrest.

Isaac Magagula tried to fight the independent media by sending a battalion of police officers to terrorize me, he then realized that the media is bigger than him because it represents the collective voice of the oppressed masses.

National Commissioner William Dlamini must understand that as the situation stands, he doesn’t have a life in this country, Mswati wants to remove him.

As mentioned, if even the King decides to change his mind, a decision has already been taken by the ‘invisible’ and very soon, the police will have a new National Commissioner.

Tsintsabala William Dlamini must understand that we have suffered for too long in the hands of this regime, hence we take every threat seriously and we will mitigate it.

In February 2020, police invaded my home armed with AK47s, dragged me to the Mbabane Police Station where I was tortured and almost killed for writing critical articles about Mswati.

Now, William Tsintsibala Dlamini, the Head of State sponsored criminals hiding behind a police uniform is thretening me and he thinks, we will take the threats lightly.

In light of the aforementioned, one is tempted to say “Goodbye National Commissioner of Police William Tsintsabala Dlamini”.

Goodbye National Commissioner of Police William Dlamini!
National Commissioner William Dlamini.