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Health Minister: 14th coronavirus case had contact with diagnosed mother of twins

Saturday, 11th April, 2020

 MBABANE: The country now has 14 confirmed cases of COVID 19, Health Minister Lizzie Nkosi revealed during a press conference held at the Cabinet offices on Saturday afternoon. 

"The Ministry of Health has today  received 53 COVID 19 results of which 51 are negative, 2 are positive. The country has now 14 confirmed cases of which 7 have tested negative and discharged. Case number 13 is a 37 year old man from Manzini region, he has no history of travel but had visitors from South Africa. He is showing mild symptoms of the disease and he is in the process of being transferred to the Lubombo Referral Hospital", said the Minister.

The Minister also mentioned that the 14th case had contact with the mother of twins who has been recently diagnosed.

 " Case number 14 is a 14 year old boy from Hhohho region, he also has no history of travel but has been in contact with a positive case which is case number 11,the mother of twins. He is also in a process of being transferred to the Lubombo Referral Hospital" she said.

Health Minister: 14th coronavirus case had contact with diagnosed  mother of twins
Heath Minister Lizzie Nkosi