Human rights lawyer Thulani Maseko’s wife Tanele is a good example of how widows must behave upon the death of their husbands.
We must encourage our women to be brave and stand-up for their rights once we die.
Those who say she is violating cultural norms by not mourning her husband wants her to stay indoors, keep quiet under those hot blankets while the State pushes a false narrative regarding the death of her husband.
Now that Tanele has demonstrated bravely, who can come close to Thulani’s home and grab Thulani’s land and the property of his kids, we are happy to see a new generation of widows.
Widows we can trust that once we die, they won’t stay indoors mourning while political and family thieves steal our properties and mislead the Nation regarding the cause of our death.
Tanele Maseko is a now a national asset, we can even organize conferences where she can lecture our women to be strong once we die,those who want our women to mourn must relax, we want a free and democratic society even at domestic and or family level.
We want women to be free, if they don’t want to mourn, the Constitution allows them not to do so.
Women are engines of our homes,once we die, they take over as Heads of our families and the duty to ensure the stability of the family and raising children is vested solely upon them.
I am proud of Make Maseko, she must continue to inspire women to be strong and resist oppression particularly oppressive cultural practices.
I am not against culture, sometimes I wear my traditional attire and I am a proud Liswati.
But one always feels good to wear a traditional attire freely not to be forced to do so as a requirement to get employed in the security forces.
Culture should not be a tool of oppression but we must practice it willingly and freely.
Even though we still have primitive individuals,we are happy to learn that women are slowly being liberated.
Before, women were not allowed to walk in public without covering their heads with EMADUKU, do make-ups and wear hot pants.
I remember one man saying he doesn’t know what happened because these days women are beautiful, he even said it seems we are living in the last days “sekubuya Jesu”.
The truth is, beautiful and brave women have always been there even in the 1800s, we must just give them freedom and allow them to discover themselves and realize their potential.
It is now clear that the human rights lawyer was not only sharing a pillow with Tanele Tfwala but he multiplied himself in Tanele, this woman is three-times Thulani Maseko.
Furthermore, we can also attribute Thulani Maseko’s good leadership skills to the brave woman who was always there for him in the midst of political persecution.
In conclusion,it is important to state that these days we are facing corruption even at family level, once we die, there are those who want to grab our children monies and properties, we want to have widows who will resist that.
We want widows of Tanele Maseko’s caliber who will throw the mourning gowns and protect the properties we worked so hard to accumulate for the sake of our children and grandchildren.
Tanele Maseko is our hero, a leader and inspiration to women.

The late human rights lawyer Thulani Maseko and his wife.