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R12MILLION LOCAL GOVERNMENT TENDER: So retired Principal Secretary(PS) Clifford Mamba dissolved Matsapha Councilors to incubate corruption?.

Tuesday, 13th June, 2023

When the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development commissioned a Commission of Inquiry into the affairs of the Matsapha Municipality, at the time, we were not aware that actually, it was the then Principal Secretary(PS) Clifford Mamba’s corrupt agenda to remove elected Councillors.

The Matsapha Councillors were not dissolved by Urban Development Minister Prince Simelane, it was the then PS Clifford Mamba who misled the Prince, fortunately, the Prince declared earlier that all administrative powers were upon the PS.

The intention, in my view, was to appoint members of his corrupt and politically connected syndicate who will not question the corruption manifesting within the offices of the densely populated industrial town.

But on a balance of probabilities, it is clear that Clifford Mamba was the ‘King’ of the Chief Executive Officers(CEOs) within Municipalities, pushing a corrupt agenda of looting public funds for personal gain and grabbing land belonging to orphans and widows for the benefit of the rich and powerful.

The manner in which part of the R12million was ‘stolen’ from public coffers, laundered to Matsapha Manicipality, before being paid to Slomoes Corporation, is a clear indication that Clifford Mamba is corrupt to the core, he established his syndicate within the Municipalities.

The mere fact that the PS was ‘brave’ enough to steal R12million at the time when the country was facing financial challenges, was a clear indication that he was used to looting large amounts of money. 

On another note, it was surprising that an unelected PS, dissolved the Matsapha Councillors, who has the power to overrule the will of the people through the ballot box?.

Now, it is clear that whenever Clifford Mamba identifies an obstruction that threatens his interests, he would then dissolve the Councillors and appoint members of his corrupt syndicate.

Even at Nhlangano, a murder suspect Mayor Mashumi Shongwe had his appointment extended ‘by the PS’  while inside prison, the question is; what was so special about Shongwe to have his appointment extended despite facing murder charges?.

The answer is simple; he is part of Clifford Mamba’s syndicate.

The ‘network’ could be traced from CEO Babsy Mavuso, Gciniwe Fakudze, Senate President Lindiwe Dlamini (Former Housing Minister), Mbabane CEO Gideon Mhlongo, Manzini CEO Lungile Dlamini and others.

It’s a huge corrupt syndicate, maybe one will get time and published a detailed investigative report about this syndicate.

R12MILLION LOCAL GOVERNMENT TENDER: So retired Principal Secretary(PS) Clifford Mamba dissolved Matsapha Councilors to incubate corruption?.
Retired PS Clifford Mamba.